
Anthony Bailey, ComIH, Chairman of the Portuguese Centenary Appeal,
Anthony Bailey was appointed Chairman of the Portuguese Appeal at its launch in 2016. Together with the Vice Chairman they run the day to day activities of the Appeal from its headquarters in Sintra and Twickenham. His supervisory role includes the formal launch of the appeal in Portugal and the United Kingdom including the development of a programme of special events and fundraising initiatives, the preparation and publication of appeal literature as well as co-ordinating a public and media relations promotional programme for the appeal.
Anthony is a well-known and senior international diplomatic adviser, public affairs practitioner and interfaith and charity campaigner. He first visited Portugal over 30 years ago, and has played at times a prominent role in numerous activities aimed at promoting the art, culture, business and diplomatic ties of Portugal with other states.
Anthony was appointed as President of the Painting & Patronage initiative in 2005 and 2007 which resulted in the largest cultural and artistic programme being launched between Portugal and Saudi Arabia held under the High Patronage of President Jorge Sampaio of Portugal and King Abdullah bin Abdul Aziz of Saudi Arabia. Anthony also co-ordinated key elements of the visits of the Portuguese Minister of National Defence and the Minister of Culture to the Middle East and high level visits made by the Governor of Makkah Region, HRH Prince Khalid Al-Faisal to Portugal.
In 2005 Anthony was awarded by decree of His Excellency The President of the Portuguese Republic the honour of Commander (with Star) of the National Order of Infante Dom Henrique (ComIH) in recognition of his efforts to promote Portuguese relations overseas. Earlier in 2001 Anthony was also appointed Commander of the Royal Order of Our Lady of the Conception of Vila Vicosa by decree of HRH The Duke of Braganza for services to the Portuguese Royal House.