Appeal Committee

The Portuguese Appeal is held under the High Patronage of His Excellency The President of the Portuguese Republic.
Honorary Committee – Portugal
Anthony Bailey, ComIH, Chairman
Francisco de Mendia, Deputy Chairman
Francisco Pinto Balsemão, former Prime Minister of Portugal
Her Excellency Graça Fonseca, former Minister of Culture of Portugal
João Soares, former Minister of Culture of Portugal
Basílio Horta, Mayor of the City of Sintra
Alberto Laplaine Guimãraes, Secretary General of the City of Lisbon
Pedro Pais de Almeida
Luís Valadares, Sculptor
Honorary Committee – United Kingdom
The Lord True, former Leader of the London Borough of Richmond upon Thames
The Lord Watson of Richmond, CBE
Dr Charles Tannock, MBE
Cllr Gareth Roberts, Leader of the London Borough of Richmond upon Thames
The Rev Fr Ulick Loring
Clare Head