Lisbon, 30 June 2017. Francisco de Mendia and Pedro Pais de Almeida have both agreed to act trustees of the Portuguese Centenary Appeal.
Francisco de Mendia is the Vice-Chairman of the Appeal and together with the Chairman he runs the daily activities of the Centenary Appeal in Portugal and United Kingdom. Mr Mendia is a consultant with experience in communication and financial management. He is a member of the board of CV&A Consultancy and also a member from the advisory board of Associação Lisbonense de Proprietários. He was adviser to the Minister of Education of the XVI Constitutional Government, shareholder-founder and director of Agência Financeira (currently owned by the Media Capital group), and also worked at Banco Finantia. He began his career as a journalist, where he worked for the newspapers Semanário and Diário Económico. He is also a consultant and member of the Private Council of HRH The Duke of Braganza and Provedor of the Royal Brotherhood of Santa Cruz e Passos da Graça.
Pedro Pais de Almeida is the President Elect of the Union Internationale des Avocats and Partner at Abreu Advogados. He has 25 years of professional experience as a lawyer and is passionate about civil rights, social action and economic empowerment. Pedro Pais de Almeida is deeply involved in the Firm’s CSR projects and has been Chairman of the Supervisory Board (1998-2002), Chairman of the Board of Directors (2003-2009) of CAIS – Associação de Solidariedade Social, a Portuguese Charity Institution for the Homeless, and is presently member of the Supervisory Board of IES – Instituto de Empreendorismo Social, a Portuguese Charity Institution of Social Entrepreneurs.
Mr Almeida assists many charity institutions on tax matters and has been involved in many M&A transactions, debt restructuring operations, tax efficiency structures and corporate reorganisations and restructuring.
For more information on Francisco Mendia please visit: and/or
For more information on Pedro Pais de Almeida please visit: and/or
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