Renown Portuguese sculptor Luís Valadares appointed to create statute of King Manuel II

  • Post published:17/01/2019
  • Post category:News
You are currently viewing Renown Portuguese sculptor Luís Valadares appointed to create statute of King Manuel II

Lisbon – January 2019. The Portuguese Centenary Appeal is delighted to announce that the renown Portuguese sculptor Luís Filipe de Oliveira Valadares Lacerda has been appointed by the Appeal to undertake the creation of the statute of the last King of Portugal, HM King Manuel II. Among his previous works is the statute of HM King Carlos I of Portugal which is on public display on the waterfront in Cascais. 

The Chairman of the Portuguese Centenary Appeal, Anthony Bailey, together with the Vice Chairman Francisco de Mendia met with Mr Valadares to congratulate him on his appointment. ‘I am delighted that Luis Valadares accepted the Appeal’s invitation to create this important national statute of Portugal’s last monarch and one of Twickenham’s most famous residents. Luis is a remarkable artist and the Appeal is honoured to have him on board. We  look forward to working with him as he creates what will inevitably become a powerful symbol and embodiment of the valuable ties which have existed between Britain and Portugal and between the Portuguese and British people for many centuries’. 

The Portuguese Appeal