Secretary General of the City of Lisbon to be appointed Trustee of the Portuguese Centenary Appeal

  • Post published:19/07/2017
  • Post category:News
You are currently viewing Secretary General of the City of Lisbon to be appointed Trustee of the Portuguese Centenary Appeal

Lisbon, 19 July 2017. Dr Alberto Laplaine Guimãraes, Secretary General of the City of Lisbon has accepted to act as a trustee of the Portuguese Centenary Appeal.

In a letter addressed to the appeal Chairman, he wrote: “Thanking for you kind invitation to become a trustee of the Portuguese Centenary Appeal. I’m writing to express my full commitment to this historical project which will further the strength of the relations between Portugal and the United Kingdom.

“The ideas of creating a War Memorial, as well erecting in Twickenham a statue of the Portuguese King Manuel II are projects that deserve public recognition and institutional support.

Dr Laplaine Guimãraes graduated in Law from the Faculty of Law of the Universidade Clássica de Lisboa in 1984. He was a fellow of the German Marshal Fund and Auditor of National Defence in 2004.

Alberto currently serves as Secretary General of the City of Lisbon, Vice-President of the Casa de América Latina, Director of the City of Lisbon Foundation and Director of the Literary Guild. He is a member of the European Academy of Arts and Sciences. He also served as Secretary of the State Council of the Portuguese Republic within the Office of the President of the Portuguese Republic.  He was also awarded several national and foreign decorations and is a Grand Officer of the National Order of Infante Dom Henrique by decree of HE Jorge Sampaio, President of the Portuguese Republic.

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