
The Portuguese Appeal seeks to raise funds to erect a life size statue of King Manuel II, as well as renovate the Church of St James’s in Twickenham as a new spiritual centre for the Portuguese in London

O Apelo Português é realizado sob o Alto Patrocínio de Sua Excelência o Presidente da República Portuguesa

The Portuguese Appeal seeks to raise funds to erect a life size statue of King Manuel II, as well as renovate the Church of St James’s in Twickenham as a new spiritual centre for the Portuguese in London
The Portuguese Appeal seeks to raise funds to erect a life size statue of King Manuel II, as well as renovate the Church of St James’s in Twickenham as a new spiritual centre for the Portuguese in London

O Apelo Português é realizado em parceria com o Ministério da Cultura da República Portuguesa

The Portuguese Appeal seeks to raise funds to erect a life size statue of King Manuel II, as well as renovate the Church of St James’s in Twickenham as a new spiritual centre for the Portuguese in London


SS.AA.RR. os Duques de Bragança